contoh narrative text folktale



Contoh Narrative Text Folktale: The Legend of Malin Kundang

One of the most famous folktales in Indonesia is the legend of Malin Kundang. This folktale tells the story of a young man who was cursed to become a stone after betraying his mother. The story has been passed down from generation to generation and serves as a cautionary tale about the importance of respecting one’s parents.

The legend of Malin Kundang begins with a young man named Malin who lived in a small village by the sea. He was known for his handsome looks and strong physique, which made him popular among the villagers. Despite being poor, Malin dreamed of becoming rich and successful one day.

One day, a merchant ship arrived at the village, and its captain saw Malin’s potential to become a great sailor. He offered Malin an opportunity to join his crew and travel around the world. Excited by this prospect, Malin accepted the offer without hesitation, leaving behind his elderly mother who begged him not to go.

Years passed, and Malin became successful as a sailor. He traveled to distant lands and amassed great wealth through trading goods. However, he never once returned home to visit his mother or fulfill his promise to take care of her.

One day, while sailing back home with his crewmates, they were caught in a fierce storm near Malin’s village. As they sought shelter from the raging sea onshore, they discovered that the rocks lining the coast had turned into statues – one of which bore an uncanny resemblance to Malin himself.

It was then that Malin realized that he had been cursed by his own mother for abandoning her in her old age. In her grief and anger at being neglected by her son, she had prayed for divine justice upon him – turning him into stone for eternity as punishment for his heartless behavior.

The legend ends with Malin standing frozen onshore as a statue forevermore – serving as a reminder to all who pass by of the consequences of disrespecting one’s parents.

In Conclusion

In conclusion, folktale narratives like “The Legend of Manlin Kundang” serve as powerful reminders about important moral values such as respect towards parents are universal themes found within folktales worldwide.

Through storytelling techniques such as character development setting descriptions dialogue suspenseful plot twists these tales captivate audiences transport them into fantastical worlds where lessons can be learned alongside entertainment.

By understanding analyzing these narratives we can gain insights into our own cultural beliefs values traditions while also appreciating diversity across various cultures around us.

So let us continue sharing passing down these timeless stories so future generations may learn appreciate legacy left behind ancestors before us!

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