kosakata bahasa inggris tentang alat transportasi



Exploring English Vocabulary: Transportation Tools

Transportation plays a crucial role in our daily lives, allowing us to travel from one place to another efficiently. In order to communicate effectively about different modes of transportation, it is important to have a good grasp of the English vocabulary related to transportation tools. In this article, we will explore some common transportation tools along with their corresponding English terms.

1. Car

– Automobile
– Vehicle
– Carriage

Example sentence: I prefer driving my own car rather than taking public transportation.

2. Bicycle

– Bike
– Cycle

Example sentence: Riding a bicycle is a great way to stay fit and reduce carbon emissions.

3. Bus

– Coach
– Transit

Example sentence: The bus arrived late, causing me to miss my appointment.

4. Train

– Locomotive
– Railway

Example sentence: Taking the train is often faster and more convenient than driving during rush hour.

5. Plane

– Aircraft
– Airplane

Example sentence: Flying on a plane allows you to reach distant destinations in a short amount of time.

6. Boat

– Vessel
– Watercraft

Example sentence : We took a boat ride along the river and enjoyed the scenic views.

< h 2 > 7 . M o t o r c y c l e < / h 2 >
– B i k e
– M o t o r b i k e

E x a m p l e s e n tence : H e w as r i d ing his m o t orc y cl e at h ig h s p ee d .

< h 2 > 8 . S u b w ay < / h 2 >
– U n de rg r ou n d
– M etr o

E x am p l e s en te nc e : T ak i ng th e su bw ay i s q u ic k an d co nv en ie nt in bi g c it ie s .

By familiarizing yourself with these common transport-related vocabulary words, you can confidently discuss various modes of transportation in English-speaking environments. Whether you are traveling abroad or simply having conversations with native speakers, having a strong command of transportation tools vocabulary will enhance your communication skills and overall language proficiency.

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